
Our commitments

Faced with today’s social and environmental challenges, the Orchestre National de Jazz is taking action in a number of areas to help make the cultural sector more respectful and inclusive.

Gender equality

• Parity as an objective in the number of members on stage, to help change the way orchestral musicians are portrayed.

Training the permanent team in the prevention of sexist and sexual violence, and proposing training to intermittent teams.

• Establishment of a prevention protocol and appointment of two in-house referents, members of the national network of VSS referents in culture created by La Petite.

Mediation around two projects:
LesEllesdu Jazz
ExhibitionExceptionnelles ?, la place des femmes dans le jazz”.

• The ONJ is a member of the French association HF ÎledeFrance, equality between men and women in the arts and culture.


• Since 2020, the ONJ has been a member of ARVIVA, a group of performing arts professionals committed to the ecological transition of the sector.

• Charter for an eco-responsible commitment – a guide to good environmental practices appended to all contracts.

• Work in progress to estimate the carbon footprint of the ONJ’s activities using the SEEDS tool developed by ARVIVA, and to implement a strategy to reduce environmental impact.


• The ONJ is a member of Scène Ensemble, French professional organization for the performing arts, and of Syndéac, the French national union of artistic and cultural enterprises.

Professional federations and networks

• The ONJ is a member of Grands Formats, French federation of artists for large-format music, Futurs Composés, French national network for musical creation, and RamDam, French national network for music for young audiences.