Faced with today’s social and environmental challenges, the Orchestre National de Jazz is taking action in a number of areas to help make the cultural sector more respectful and inclusive.
• Parity as an objective in the number of members on stage, to help change the way orchestral musicians are portrayed.
• Training the permanent team in the prevention of sexist and sexual violence, and proposing training to intermittent teams.
• Establishment of a prevention protocol and appointment of two in-house referents, members of the national network of VSS referents in culture created by La Petite.
• Mediation around two projects:
Les “Elles” du Jazz
Exhibition “Exceptionn–elles ?, la place des femmes dans le jazz”.
• The ONJ is a member of the French association HF Île–de–France, equality between men and women in the arts and culture.
• Since 2020, the ONJ has been a member of ARVIVA, a group of performing arts professionals committed to the ecological transition of the sector.
• Charter for an eco-responsible commitment – a guide to good environmental practices appended to all contracts.
• Work in progress to estimate the carbon footprint of the ONJ’s activities using the SEEDS tool developed by ARVIVA, and to implement a strategy to reduce environmental impact.
• The ONJ is a member of Scène Ensemble, French professional organization for the performing arts, and of Syndéac, the French national union of artistic and cultural enterprises.
• The ONJ is a member of Grands Formats, French federation of artists for large-format music, Futurs Composés, French national network for musical creation, and RamDam, French national network for music for young audiences.